When was a program, transaction last used? How to know which users are using which transaction or
executing which program? Which are the most frequently used programs or
To know how many users are viewing and maintaining a particular
transaction use transaction
in3.0x :-
Performance database
Select instance
Select desired period
Choose Transaction profile
To find the Frequently Used Programs or Transactions in 4.6x :- ST03 ---> Detail analysis Button --> Under
Global - One recent period then select day or week or month --->
Transaction profile Button
In 4.6x, you can also try the new Workload Analysis tcode 'ST03N'.
The SAP standard retention period is 3 months. You can change the Standard
Statistics via clicking :- Goto -> Parameters -> Perfomance Database
To analyze the Statistics by users for transactions and programs use
transaction STAT
STAT looks at the STAT file created by
each SAP Instance.
It is by default 100 MB. Every hour there is a COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFORMANCE job
RSCOLL00 aggregating this data into MONI
table. It will truncate STAT file once the specified limit is reached.
So, you can see details for however many days in this 100 MB using
STAT, or ST03
to see the MONI aggregated data.
To change the 100 MB limit, ST03 -> Goto ->
Parameters -> Performance Database.